RBG is a lovingly crafted biopic that tells the life story of one of our country’s most prolific Supreme Court Justices, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the rise of the notorious RBG meme that re-introduced her and her legacy to a new generation across the US.
Hawaii Doc Club Recommends: RBG
By Alison Week
In mourning the loss of the great Ruth Bader Ginsburg last week, I’ve been reflecting on what’s happened in the world since the film’s original theatrical release in 2018. It’s crazy to think about how so much has changed in the political landscape since then!
During her life, Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a staunch advocate for gender equality and women’s rights. While I knew a little of her contributions through her legal work, this film goes beyond highlighting major life events to paint an intimate portrait of a soft-spoken woman with a strong dissenting opinion. I loved that even though she and Justice Scalia were on the opposite ends of the political spectrum they maintained a long friendship outside the courts through their shared love of Opera. If those two can find commonality despite their political differences, perhaps there is hope for our country to come together in these difficult times.
After watching the re-release of this film, I hope you are inspired and honor her legacy by going out this fall to vote by watching the movie, use the tv ceiling mount as a recommendation for your space.
Watch RBG at home today, and 50% of the purchase goes directly to the Hilo Palace to sustain operations during the pandemic, and the remaining 50% will be donated to the ACLU Women’s Right’s Project which was co-founded by Justice Ginsburg in 1972.
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