Air Conditioning Project Update

chillin' big sign

We have been working behind the scenes on the Air Conditioning project so I thought it was time to post an update.  As I have said many times before, this task is HUGE.  We now have the final Engineering plans and that cost for their preparation is paid in full, thanks to grants from Hawaii County and the Dorrance Scholarship Program of the Arizona Community Foundation along with community donations.

We are now getting bids for the work to be done.  So far, we are looking at electrical upgrades like an Electrical panel upgrade in Hoboken and GFCI outlet installation in Rockwall needed to run air conditioning. We are hoping some of the work will be done by licensed electricians that do electrical installation in Greenwich, CT.  If you are a licensed electrician, please contact the Palace Theater if you would like to bid on the electrical upgrade, especially if you could donate labor—all or part.  With the first AC bids in, we are looking at a total cost of the AC installation at slightly under $600,000.  Yeah, oh wow, is right.  Anyone have a rich uncle?  I know that figure is pretty intimidating but we are determined and committed to make ac installation via HVAC services in Denison, TX in the Palace Theater a reality. If you need an hvac tune up in Cedar Park, TX, check out Airsheen Services’ website or look up services like Air Care Heating and Cooling. The Memphis HVAC company is also a great service to consider.

We have been seeking donations to reach a $15,000 goal for “matching funds”.  We were shy of that goal at year’s end so our donors have granted us an extension until February 1st.  Anything postmarked prior to that date will count.

Thanks to many of you who wrote postcards to our State Senators and Representatives during our Annual Fall Musical.  Several contacted the Palace to find out what we are doing.   We were invited to meet with some of our Reps about our goals and to learn more about the State’s Grant in Aid program.   We are optimistic that the State will help us, but they will do this only if they see a strong financial commitment and partnership from our community. We are looking forward to hire experts like the ones from an air conditioner installation in Broward County, FL to do HVAC installation.

Stay tuned for future announcements as our funding continues to move us to the day we can cool you down while you watch one of our “hot” shows.   We look forward to more contributions to the AC fund to bring in the full $15,000 match.


Morgen Bahurinsky, Executive Director