We apologize for again canceling the screening of a movie. We are experiencing repeated failures with our projection system. We are working hard to correct the problems and are baffled by the latest failure last night Monday August 22nd during the screening of Student Body. Sadly we will have to cancel the showing of “Absolutely Fabulous: The Movie” on Friday, August 26 & Saturday, August 27. We are hopeful that we will have the projector fixed in time to show our Sunday, August 28 matinee, but ask that everyone stay updated by checking our website. We have no solid answers at this moment.
I wish we could report in with better news. After making the necessary repairs and running the projector all weekend, we thought everything was good. We are consulting with experts and trying to find out if there is a problem with the electricity in the building, whether there was a disturbance from the storm…..or what the heck?
This is devastating to the Palace. Our movies are an important source of income for us. Not only are we losing that income but we have the expenses of repair. As you all know we are a non-profit which means we live by grants and donations. Emergencies like this destroy what little we have to keep us going on a day to day basis. We had staff here on duty when the failure occurred and we are still obligated to pay them. We still have a minimum due to the movie studios just for the privilege of screening the film.
Keeping an old building like this operating takes more money than what we make from our movies and concerts. This is why we appeal to you regularly to help us. It is great to have your support for big projects like our solar system but we still need money to operate. If you can offer a donation now, we would greatly appreciate your help with this crisis.
Again, we apologize for any inconvenience our projector malfunction has caused you. Please be patient. We hope to be up and running smoothly again in the near future. Again, please check the website regularly for updates. Mahalo.