
Made in Hawai’i Drama. Synopsis: Misha Miyamoto, 29, lives alone in the house her grandmother left her, has held the same job since high school, and likes her life as is: simple. Unfortunately, her satisfaction disappoints everyone around her. Her boss can’t fathom why she won’t take a promotion, her lack of ambition dissuades potential love interests, and her parents push her to sell her estate since she has no interest in starting a family. These pressures leave Misha isolated and sick of justifying her choices. When an earnest 18-year-old mistakes Misha for a fellow student, she finds solace in his lack of expectation and begins a relationship with him.  But as their relationship grows, so does Misha’s reckless behavior. FIND OUT MORE >>

Runway to Resilience Fashion Show – BISAC 60th Gala

The Big Island Substance Abuse Council (BISAC) is celebrating 60 years of Transformative Service with the RUNWAY TO RESILIENCE FASHION SHOW.

This event features live music, food concessions, hot silent auction prizes, headline fashion show and more. Doors open & Silent Auction at 5pm, Curtains open and show starts at 6:00pm. FIND OUT MORE >>


From the creators of THE PAHOA FLOW.
Starring Josh Ballauer, Ranell Banks, Johnny Edwards.
Synopsis: On an island where crime and poverty prevail, JahRun and Ifajah set up shop selling their gear and mixes, but when villains steal Ifajah’s turntables, things start to turn crazy. As tension builds, JahRun and Ifajah plot to end the villain’s robbery spree and restore justice to the community. FIND OUT MORE>>

The Night Marchers

Some legends are best left alone.

A Hollywood reality TV producer thought it would be a good idea to search for a forbidden legend in Hawaii known as The Night Marchers, what he and his camera crew experience is far more than they bargained for.